West Virginia law enforcement funded for extra seat belt patrols Friday through Aug. 20


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Sep 09, 2023

West Virginia law enforcement funded for extra seat belt patrols Friday through Aug. 20

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) — The West Virginia Governor’s Highway Safety Program is providing funding for increased seat belt patrols by state law enforcement from Friday through Aug. 20. The

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) — The West Virginia Governor’s Highway Safety Program is providing funding for increased seat belt patrols by state law enforcement from Friday through Aug. 20.

The Governor's Highway Safety Program is distributing funding to law enforcement to conduct extra seat belt patrols from Friday through Aug. 20.

“We want seat belt use to be an automatic habit for drivers and passengers alike,” Gov. Jim Justice said.

In 2021, 40 percent of all passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes in West Virginia were unrestrained, according to state officials. Also in 2021, 62 percent of total vehicle fatalities in West Virginia occurred in rural locations, compared to 38 percent in urban locations.

“We will keep working to spread the message that seat belts save lives until every person in every vehicle is correctly buckled up. Too many people die on our roads because they were not buckled. Just one death is one too many,” said Governor's Highway Safety Program Occupant Protection Program Coordinator Amy Boggs. “A seat belt is your best protection against death or injury should you be in a vehicle crash.”

Seat belt usage is required by law in West Virginia. Violations cost $25.

“At our current seat belt usage rate of 92.5 percent, unbuckled drivers or passengers have a 20.10 times higher likelihood of being killed if they are in a crash. The reality is: seat belts save lives. Not buckling up is not worth the risk. Click It. Don’t Risk It,” Boggs said.

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